Tija, Klara B. in 20,000+ drugih priporoča Magic Planner

DNEVNI planer 2024/25 | Hera

Redna cena €34,90
Prodajna cena €34,90 Redna cena
Cena na enoto
Tax included.

The 12-month yearly planner 2024/2025 (July 2024 - June 2025) is ideal for planning your dream year and contains everything you need. It's a daily planner, meaning each day has its own page (except for weekends - Saturday and Sunday are combined on one page).

PRE-ORDERS ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE - during this time, you get the planner at a 10% discounted price. They will be shipped between May 20th and May 26th, 2024.

DODATKI ZA PLANER (označi željene):
100% garancija

V kolikor izdelek ne bo popolnoma izpolnil tvojih pričakovanj, ga lahko brezplačno vrneš v roku 30-ih dni.

DNEVNI planer 2024/25 | Hera

DNEVNI planer 2024/25 | Hera

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